
Tag: Nike or Under Armor

Laborers at Kellogg’s oat plants take to the streets

Laborers at Kellogg’s oat plants take to the streets

Around 1,440 specialists at four U.S.- put together Kellogg grain plants went with respect to strike Tuesday, crushing the organization's creation to an end. Daniel Osborn, an association president at Kellogg's plant at Omaha, Neb., the specialists association and the Kellogg Company have been in discusses a haggling bargain for over a year. The association's question includes a grouping of pay and advantages issues, including the deficiency of charge medical services, occasion pay and diminished time off. Osborn additionally referenced the Battle Creek, Mich.- based organization took steps to move a few positions to Mexico. “A lot of Americans probably don’t have too much issue with the Nike or Under Armor hats being made elsewhere or even our vehicles, but when they start man...